The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp

About Course

Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, build real projects
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Categories Web Development

Course Curriculum

1.Front-End Web Development

  • 1. What You’ll Get in This Course
  • 4. How to Get the Most Out of the Course
  • 6. How Does the Internet Actually Work
  • 7. How Do Websites Actually Work
  • 8. What You’ll Need to Get Started – Setup Your Local Web Development Environment
  • 9. How to Get Help When You’re Stuck

2. Introduction to HTML

3. Intermediate HTML

4. Introduction to CSS

5. Intermediate CSS

6. Introduction to Bootstrap 4

7. Intermediate Bootstrap

8. Introduction to Javascript ES6

9. Intermediate Javascript

10. The Document Object Model (DOM)

11. Boss Level Challenge 1 – The Dicee Game

12. Advanced Javascript and DOM Manipulation

13. jQuery

14. Boss Level Challenge 2 – The Simon Game

15. The Unix Command Line

16. Backend Web Development

17. Node.js

18. Express.js with Node.js

19. APIs – Application Programming Interfaces

20. Git, Github and Version Control

21. EJS

22. Boss Level Challenge 3 – Blog Website

23. Databases

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Course Details

Level: All Levels
Duration: 0
Last Updated:September 1, 2022