Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot

About Course

Learn to write Reactive programming and build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux and project Reactor
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Categories Development

Course Curriculum

01 – Getting Started with the Course

  • 001 Course Introduction
  • 002 Prerequisites

03 – Why Reactive Programming

04 – Introduction to Reactive Programming

05 – Introduction to Spring WebFlux

06 – Getting Started with Project Reactor

07 – Setting up the base project for this course

08 – Lets Explore Flux and Mono Hands On

09 – Introduction to Spring WebFlux

10 – Set up the MoviesInfoService Service

11 – Simple Non Blocking RESTFUL API using Annotated Controller Approach

12 – Automated Tests using JUnit5 and WebFluxTest

13 – Reactive Programming in Mongo DB for the MovieInfo Service

14 – Build MovieInfo Service using Rest Controller Approach

15 – Unit Testing in Spring WebFlux

16 – Bean Validation using Validators and ControllerAdvice

17 – Using ResponseEntity with Reactive Types

18 – Writing Custom Queries using ReactiveMongoRepository

19 – Spring WebFlux Under the Hood – Netty and Threading Model

20 – Introduction to Functional Web Module in Spring WebFlux

21 – Build MoviesReview Service using Functional Web

22 – Unit Testing Functional Web

23 – Bean Validations using Functional Web

24 – Custom Global ErrorHandler in Functional Web

25 – Handling ResourceNotFound in FunctionalWeb

26 – MoviesService – Rest Service connects the MovieInfo and MovieReview Service

27 – Handling Network Exceptions in WebClient

28 – Integration Testing External Services using WireMock

29 – Retrying Failed HTTP Calls

30 – Server Sent Events (SSE)

31 – Why Reactive Programming [Old Content]

32 – Introduction to Reactive Programming [Old Content]

33 – Getting started with Project Reactor [Old Content]

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Course Details

Level: All Levels
Duration: 0
Last Updated:February 5, 2022